Wiley History 1952 – 2000

History of Wiley School

Wiley Elementary was named after an extraordinary teacher “Miss Flossie Wiley” who was the principal at Leal School and taught for 36 years in Urbana.

“Miss Wiley made herself a part of the lives of each child and their families, always serving beyond what her duties were as a principal or teacher,” noted then Assistant Superintendent Esther Blackburn.

1952 to 1989 Wiley History Highlights

Our school was built in the “middle of a corn field” and some people were concerned that the School Board had put the new school too far away from the students who were designated to go there. It was named after an extraordinary teacher “Miss Flossie Wiley” who was the principal at Leal School and had taught 36 years in Urbana. “Miss Wiley made herself a part of the lives of each child and their families, always serving beyond what her duties were as a principal or teacher,” noted then assistant superintendent Esther Blackburn. At the dedication open house of Wiley School on December 14, 1952, the north classrooms had not been built but the gym and kitchen were there. We had a kindergarten room, the first of its kind in the school system, since before that we did not offer kindergarten in our schools. In its first year, Wiley served children in grades first through sixth. Wiley PTA was also chartered and became a strong support organization for Wiley students. The first president was Mrs. James Walker. In 1977, a 25th birthday celebration was held and Mrs. Walker wrote in a letter to Wiley School, “I am pleased that Wiley has kept the spirit Miss Wiley represented–devotion to a good solid education and happy cooperation among parent, teachers and students. Have a wonderful birthday party!”

However, in 1980, due to declining student enrollment in Urbana, Wiley School was closed as an elementary school. Wiley students were assigned to attend Leal, Thomas Paine and Yankee Ridge Elementary Schools. During the next 9 years, the building housed the district’s early childhood program, full day kindergarten classes and the district’s administrative offices.

In the late 80’s, the projected enrollment for our school district showed that 15 more classrooms would be needed by the 1991-1992 school year. The school board voted to put into effect a district reorganization plan which included the transfer of the entire Washington School staff, equipment, materials and most of its students to Wiley School for the 1989-90 school year. Wiley School was to once again become a full fledged elementary school with grades kindergarten through sixth.

August of 1989: The “reopening” of Wiley School for 1989-1990

The Wiley staff worked especially hard during the summer of 1989, as reopening a school is a monumental task! They had to pack all their educational belongings in the month of June and two months later have everything unpacked and their rooms ready for the first day of school. Parents also volunteered to unpack and shelve books in the library. Wiley PTA was chartered, officers were elected and chairmen were recruited for various projects. The first staff members and PTA officers of the “reopened” Wiley School were:

Principal – Dr. Edward Cieniawski
Secretary – Judy Short
Kindergarten – Patty Bergan, Beth Mears and Becky Orenic
First Grade/Reading Recovery – Elizabeth Combs and Barbara Gillespie-Washington
First/Second Grade – Nancy Fehr
Second Grades – Rebecca Cortright and Lynn Cunningham
Third Grades – Gail Becker and Evelyn Walton
Third/Fourth Grade – Delila Bane
Fourth Grades – Marj Castle and Debbie Heffernan
Fifth Grade – Marcia Richards
Fifth/Sixth Grade – Shirley Splittstoesser
Sixth Grade – Jodi Short
Chapter 1 – Pete Barnes
Learning Disabilities – Gail Beck, Kay Strayer and Yvonne Vitosky
Librarian – Ann West
Outreach Worker – Alice McGee
Psychologist – Bob Koch
District Nurse – Carol Terstriep
Social Worker – Kathy Murray
Speech/Language – Ruth Ann Kingery
Vision Impaired – Char Beckley
PTA Co-Presidents – Mary Ann Brown and Bob Withers
PTA Co-Vice Presidents – Brian Holloway and Cathy Howey
PTA Secretary – Marty Lampman
PTA Treasurer – Sharon Allen and Billie Spomer

Then on August 23, 1989 students from Leal, Thomas Paine, Washington and Yankee Ridge elementary schools came together to form the “New Wiley School”. Our school year began in a unique fashion. Fifteen minutes after school started, the electrical power at Wiley went out during a thunderstorm. Even though we had no power, neither staff nor students were deterred from continuing their educational endeavors!

Our school day ran from 8:45 am to 2:30 pm. Lunch periods were 30 minutes long. There were no arts specialists the first year but by the end of the school year our school board voted to extend the elementary instructional day in 1990-91 by providing music and arts program.

Wiley students selected “red and white” as our school colors.

A section of our library was used as a computer center which housed 8 PLATO computer terminals connected directly to the U of I and 5 Apples. In addition, Franklins rotated among the classrooms.

Wiley students participated in a all-school Winter Holiday Program, Black History Month Program and Spring Projects Fair with projects submitted in art, social studies, science and math.

Wiley PTA offered an after-school enrichment program for students (run on a break-even financial basis) with courses that were of particular interest and that supplemented the school curriculum.

Dr. Cieniawski announced he would retire at the end of the school year, a search committee was formed and Joan Fortschneider was selected by staff and parents to be our new principal for the 1990-1991 school year.

The PTA board pursued the need to raise funds for new playground equipment for our children. Wiley PTA sponsored its first spring “Walkathon” and raised $4500.00 toward the eventual $30000 endeavor. A playground committee was formed.

The school board began investigating the possibility of housing Urbana 6th graders at Urbana Middle School to ease crowding at ll elementary schools.


Our 1990-1991 staff members and PTA officers were:

Principal – Dr. Joan Fortschneider
Secretaries – Judy Short and Tammy Mueller
Kindergarten – Patty Bergan/Marcy Vancil, Beth Mears, and Becky Orenic
First Grade – Elizabeth Combs and Brenda Tap
First Grade/Reading Recovery – Barbara Gillespie-Washington/Julie Tammel-Swander
First/Second Grade – Nancy Fehr
Second Grades – Rebecca Cortright and Lynn Cunningham
Third Grades – Gail Becker and Evelyn Walton
Fourth Grades – Marj Castle and Debbie Heffernan
Fourth/Fifth Grade – Jodi Short
Fifth Grade – Marcia Richards
Fifth/Sixth Grade – Shirley Splittstoesser
Sixth Grade – Barb Thoma
Chapter 1 – Pete Barnes
Learning Disabilities – Jennifer Buskirk and Kathy Mehlman
Librarian – Ann West
Outreach Worker – Alice McGee
Psychologist – Bob Koch
District Nurse – Carol Terstriep
Social Worker – Kathy Murray
Speech/Language – Ruth Ann Kingery
Vision Impaired – Char Beckley
PTA Co-Presidents – Brian Holloway and Bob Withers
PTA Co-Vice Presidents – Barb Foster and Joe Youakim
PTA Secretary – Marty Lampman
PTA Treasurer – Billie Spomer
Our school day was extended and ran much like it does today, from 8:15 AM to 3:00 PM. The change was possible due to the implementation of a Fine Arts Program. Specialists in the areas of visual arts, music and movement were employed to provide students with instruction in each of these disciplines. Lunch periods were lengthened to 45 minutes.

Students in grades 3-6 experiences some class changes during the month of September. Due to high numbers of students enrolled in certain intermediate grades, it became necessary to “regroup” to provide better staff to students ratios.

Parents and staff worked together to fine time lunch procedures as students adjusted to the longer lunch periods. Parents volunteered to help supervise winter lunch time activities.

Two teachers received recognition awards. Shirley Splittstoesser was selected as one of the 12 finalists for Illinois Teacher of the Year. She was also honored by the State Board of Education with a Distinguished Educator Award. Barbara Gillespie-Washington was honored at the Education Recognition Banquet sponsored by the New-Gazette and Regional Office of Education.

School safety issues were addressed. Students participated in bicycle safety week activities, staff and parent began exploring the idea of having a student safety patrol program and parent began contacting school district and city council officials about the poor outside lighting around the school.

Rising paper prices and a tight school district budget led to a paper shortage. PTA volunteers organized the “Holiday Paper Drive” to supplement classroom supplies of paper.

Wiley students participated in a school-wide winter program on Valentine’s Day, “Love Makes the World Go Round”. Classes showcased their musical, dance and dramatic talent.

The PTA board realized the need to “step up” fundraising efforts for much needed playground equipment for our children and presented drawing for the intermediate playground at “The Chili Challenge” chili supper/talent show. Phase 1 of the 3 phase plan was ordered that summer.

In the spring, Rosemary “Rosie” McDonald and Donna Ward became our new secretaries.

Wiley PTA sponsored a “Rock n’ Rap Dance” family night in the gym.

Staff and parents organized the first “Wiley Track & Field Day” for 3rd-6th graders.

This was the last year 6th graders were housed at the elementary schools, due to space issues. All 5th and 6th grade students were recognized at an end of the year special ceremony with Dr. Zelema Harris, President of Parkland College, as the guest speaker.


Our 1991-1992 staff members and PTA officers were:

Principal – Dr. Joan Fortschneider
Secretaries – Rosemary McDonald and Donna Ward
Kindergarten – Patty Bergan, Marcy Vancil, and Becky Orenic
First Grades – Elizabeth Combs and Jill Quisenberry
First/Second Grade – Nancy Fehr
First/Second/Reading Recovery – Barb Gillespie-Washington/Julie Tammel-Swander
Second Grades – Rebecca Cortright and Lynn Cunningham
Third/Fourth Grades – Gail Becker, Evelyn Walton, Marj Castle and Debbie Heffernan
Fifth Grades – Shirley Splittstoesser and Marcia Richards
Fine Arts – Nancy Blanford, Jody Nathenson, and Mary Suter
Instrumental Music – James Brooks, Kristen Johns and Ken Peters
Chapter 1 – Pete Barnes
Librarian – Ann West
Outreach Worker – Alice McGee
Psychologist – Bob Koch
District Nurse – Carol Terstriep
Social Worker – Kathy Murray
Speech/Language – Ruth Ann Kingery
Learning Disabilities – Debra Brooks and Edna Ludwig
Vision Impaired – Char Beckley
Lunch/Playground – Terry Baker
PTA Co-Presidents – Marty Lampman and Bob Withers
PTA Vice President – Barb Foster
PTA Secretary – Paula Strong
PTA Treasurer – Kim Loos
Wiley School, thanks to the extraordinary effort of our staff, was awarded a $65,000+ grant from the Illinois State Board of Education to implement a program of instruction in Scientific Literacy. Students had the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of school and community-based learning activities in science and technology. May parents participated in science activities during school and became involved in home-school science projects with their children. Two “Science Share” nights were held that year where Jean Burkholder, then school board member said at one of them, “This is the best elementary science fair I have ever seen”.

A Site-Based Management Council was formed at Wiley (and each school in District 116) which included the principal, teachers and parents with the purpose of debating on and making decisions about the school’s budget, curriculum, delivery system and personnel.

A school-wide Pro-Social Skills Program was implemented that year. Sudents were taught skills they needed to get along with other people (listening, expressing your feelings, dealing with your anger, ignoring distractions, following instructions, and asking for help).

PTA volunteers organized a “Trash for Cash” recycling program to encourage families to recycle and to raise funds for our playground equipment.

The Safety Patrol Program began operating the spring of that school year with interested 4th and 5th graders completing AAA training.

Through a variety of fundraisers including Fun Fair, Candy Bar Sales, Tupperware Sales, Jewel Shop n’Shares Recycling Drive and Walkathon, the PTA was able to purchase Phase II of the intermediate playground equipment which was installed that summer.


Our 1992-1993 staff members and PTA officers were:

Principal – Dr. Joan Fortschneider
Secretaries – Rosemary McDonald and Donna Ward
Kindergarten – Patty Bergan, Kathy Endsley, Marcy Vancil, and Becky Orenic
First Grades – Christy Cornell and Jill Quisenberry
First Grade/Reading Recovery – Barb Gillespie-Washington/Julie Tammel-Swander
Second Grades – Rebecca Cortright, Nancy Fehr, and Lynn Cunningham/Cathy Barnard
Third Grades – Gail Becker, Ellen Mennenga, and Evelyn Walton
Fourth Grades – Marj Castle and Debbie Heffernan
Fourth/Fifth grade – Marcia Richards
Fifth Grade – Shirley Splittstoesser
Fine Arts – Maggie McAvoy (Dance and Drama); Jennie Grap and Mary Suter (Music); Martha Churukian (Visual Arts)
Instrumental Music – Kristen Johns and Ken Peters
Chapter 1 – Pete Barnes
Librarian – Ann West
Outreach Worker – Alice McGee
Detention Aide – Asfia Kasmi
Psychologist – Barb Kaufman
District Nurse – Carol Terstriep
Social Worker – Kathy Murray
Speech/Language – Ruth Ann Kingery
Learning Disabilities – Debra Brooks
Vision Impaired – Char Beckley
Lunch/Playground – Terry Baker, Mary Dawson, and Emma Lynch
ARA Food Service – Connie Lewis, Pam Thomas, and Navarn Welch
PTA Co-Presidents – Tanya Jackson and Janet Rosenberger
PTA Co-Vice Presidents – Kris Lambert and Bob Withers
PTA Secretary – Paula Strong
PTA Treasurer – Kim Loos
Due to increased enrollment (394 students), two classroom teaching positions were added, giving us 17 rather than 15 classrooms.

Dr. Gene Amberg became our new Superintendent of Urbana School District 116. Two of his children attended Wiley School.

For the second year in a row, Wiley School was awarded an $85,000+ Illinois State Board of Education Scientific Literacy Grant. New features included development of computer technology, extensions of the science units developed previously, hands-on assessment components for each of the units and establishing after school science clubs (faculty sponsors) with sites at Wiley, Carroll Community Center and Lakeside Terrace. The grant also allowed us to hire Robbie Berg as a part time staff position, Community/Business Liaison. The “Chili Challenge” was held again in conjunction with a “Project Night”.

Mrs. Barbara Gillespie-Washington received the “Award of Merit” from the Illinois State Board of Education.

In cooperation with the U of I, Wiley had a 32 terminal NovaNet computer lab in operation in Room 16 for use by all classes. A technology committee was formed (staff and parents) to develop long range plans for establishing computer technology resources and for planning computer equipment purchases.

The PTA sponsored a basketball game at Urbana High School between the Wiley Hoopster (staff and parents) and the Channel 3 All-Stars where a basketball autographed by some of the Chicago Bulls (including Michael Jordan) was raffled off to raise $1000 for computers.

The PTA sponsored its very first “Product Sale”, raising $7000 to purchase and install the final phase of the intermediate playground.

PTA volunteers were recruited and helped supervise lunch recess with an adult volunteer available most every day.

PTA volunteers (parents & teachers) organized a very successful Wiley student “Variety Show” where Wiley students performed on stage at the Urbana High School auditorium.

The Site-Based Management Team continued to meet throughout the year.

In the spring, two service/leadership groups were organized for students, “Wiley Peacemakers” and “Wiley Student Council”.


Our 1993-1994 staff members and PTA officers were:

Principal – Dr. Joan Fortschneider
Secretaries – Rosemary McDonald and Diane Mullen
Kindergarten – Patty Bergan, Kathy Endsley and Becky Orenic
Kindergarten/First Grade – Marci Vancil
First Grade – Jill Quisenberry
First/Second Grade/Reading Recovery – Barb Gillespie-Washington/Julie Tammel-Swander
First/Second Grade – Linda Busey, Bernardine Conner and Christy Cornell
Second Grade – Nancy Fehr
Third Grades – Gail Becker and Ellen Mennenga
Third/Fourth Grade – Evelyn Walton
Fourth Grades – Marj Castle and Debbie Heffernan
Fifth Grades – Shirley Splittstoesser, Marcia Richards, and Becky Cortright
Fine Arts – Maureen Duvall (Dance and Drama); Mary Suter (Music); Martha Churukian (Visual Arts)
Instrumental Music – Kristen Johns and Ken Peters
Chapter 1 – Pete Barnes
Chapter 1 Aide – Kathy Holloway
Librarian – Ann West
Library Clerk – Carrie Kubetz
Community Outreach – Alice McGee
Detention Aide – Asfia Kasmi
Psychologist – Barb Moore
District Nurse – Carol Terstriep
Social Worker – Kathy Murray
Speech/Language – Ruth Ann Kingery
Learning Disabilities – Debra Brooks
Vision Impaired – Char Beckley and Allyssa Strode
Teacher’s Aides – Lisa Cannaday, Fran Keith
Lunch/Playground – Terry Baker, Wandjell Harvey, Brenda Jones and Emma Lynch
ARA Food Service – Edna Fruhling, Pam Thomas and Navarn Welch
PTA Co-Presidents – Tanya Jackson and Janet Rosenberger
PTA Co-Vice Presidents – Kris Lambert and Kim Loos
PTA Secretary – Sherry Lovenguth
PTA Treasurer – Bob Withers
Wiley staff, parents and community partners met during the year to plan our Urban Education Partnership Program with an emphasis on multicultural curriculum development, with a particular focus on Africa and African Americans. The plan would be implemented during the next two years.

Nancy Fehr was the Urbana School District Teacher of the Year nominee and was honored at the Illinois State Board of Education’s annual “Those Who Excel/Illinois Teacher of the Year Awards Program”.

We continued to expand our computer technology through district funds, T.I.F.F. funds form the city of Urbana and PTA funds.

Wiley PTA began making plans for new playground equipment for the primary level playground, purchased a popcorn popper and button machine for our school. PTA also hired an artist to paint the mural panels in the library. We were incorporated that year.

Fifth grade students participated in the State of Illinois Treasurer’s Bank at School Program with Busey Bank where students learned banking skills through the establishment and operation of special no-fee checking accounts.

Parents worked with school personnel to develop a solution for the apple tree/bee problem on the front lawn which we have every fall. That spring the blossoms were “blasted” to prevent apples from forming during the summer.

That summer, our science program was featured in a Kiosk display at Willard Airport that included student projects and activities.


Our 1994-1995 staff members and PTA officers were:

Principal – Dr. Joan Fortschneider
Secretaries – Rosemary McDonald and Diane Mullen
Kindergarten – Patty Bergan, Kathy Endsley and Becky Orenic
Kindergarten/First Grade – Marci Vancil
First Grades – Linda Busey, Jill Quisenberry, Christy Cornell, and Amanda Hiller
Second Grades – Nancy Fehr, Bernardine Conner, Barb Gillespie-Washington and Michelle Halbach
Third Grades – Gail Becker and Pat Nettles
Fourth Grades – Evelyn Walton and Richard Clift
Fifth Grades – Debbie Heffernan, Marcia Richards, and Becky Cortright
Reading Recovery – Christy Cornell, Nancy Fehr, and Kay Palmer
Fine Arts – Maureen Burch (Dance and Drama); Mary Suter and Jim Lyons (Music); Martha Churukian (Visual Arts)
Instrumental Music – Kristen Johns and David Madden
Chapter 1 – Pete Barnes and Ellen Mennenga
Chapter 1 Aide – Brenda James
Librarian – Ann West
Library Clerk – Carrie Kubetz
Community Outreach – Alice McGee
Detention Aide – Asfia Kasmi
Psychologist – Barb Moore
District Nurse – Carol Terstriep
Medications Nurse – Shirley Linicome
Social Worker – Kathy Murray
Inclusion Facilitators – Sue Jobst and Robin Kaufman
Speech/Language – Ruth Ann Kingery
Learning Disabilities – Debra Brooks and Marcia Wickes
Vision Impaired – Char Beckley
Teacher’s Aides – Jeannie Brenner and Kelly Halder
Teacher’s Special Education Aides – Jill Feinberg, Cryssida Green, Heather Holland, and Asfia Kasmi
Lunch/Playground – Doris Caldwell, J.D. Corey, Brenda Jones, Emma Lynch and Part time – Cryssida Green, heather Holland, Linda Hines, Brenda James, and Carrie Kubetz
ARA Food Service – Janice Alexander, Jackie McGhee and Navarn Welch
PTA Co-Presidents -Sherry Lovenguth
PTA Co-Vice Presidents – Barb Lyon and Kim Loos
PTA Secretary – Janet Rosenberger
PTA Treasurer – Bob Withers
Thanks to our ambitious staff, we received an Urbana Education partnership Grant which allowed us to install new sound and lighting equipment on our stage; bring in special African-American guests including Mr. David Philpot, artist and woodcarver, Dr. Margaret Burroughs, poet, and Ms. Nora Brooks Blakely, who helped direct students and staff to develop a theater production entitled “Tandika Tales”. The grant also supplemented our “revived”Enrichment Program, sponsored by the PTA, to provide after school classes for students.

Students voted to have the “coyote” as our school mascot as seen on our new shirt design.

Wiley PTA produced and sold a Wiley Cookbook which featured favorite recipes from our families.

Joan Fortschneider was honored at the “Those Who Excel” awards program, principal category.

Marcy Vancil was honored and represented our school and community in Washington D.C. as Disney saluted 36 teachers in the “American Teacher Awards” telecast live on the Disney Channel.

The Wiley butterfly garden was constructed in honor of the retirement of Shirley Splittstoesser, teacher. Cub scouts and leaders, parents, community members and Shirley herself, donated many hours to this project.

Our school district had to outline a plan to reduce district expenses by $75,000 for the 1995-1996 school year.

“The Random Acts of Kindness Program”, whcih promoted “Committing random acts of kindness” was introduced, including monthly assemblies, monthly themes and learning the “Kindness is Cool” rap from the Wiley Rappers.

The PTA sponsored a student library aide volunteer program.


Our 1995-1996 staff members and PTA officers were:

Principal – Dr. Joan Fortschneider
Secretaries – Rosemary McDonald and Diane Mullen
Kindergarten – Patty Bergan, Kathy Endsley, Amanda Hiller, and Becky Orenic
First Grades – Linda Busey, Bernardine Conner, Christy Cornell, and Jill Quisenberry
First/Second Grade – Marcy Vancil
Second Grades -Nancy Fehr, Barb Gillespie-Washington, and Michelle Shaw
Third Grades – Gail Becker, Debbie Heffernan and Patricia Nettles
Fourth Grades – Richard Clift and Evelyn Walton
Fifth Grades – Marcia Richards and Rebecca Cortright
Fine Arts – Betty Allen and Maureen Burch (Dance and Drama); Jim Lyons (Music);
Martha Churukian and Harbert Jones (Visual Arts)
Instrumental Music – Ellen Elrick and Kristen Johns
Chapter 1 – Pete Barnes and Ellen Mennenga
Chapter 1 Aide – Michelle Shaw and Debra Daly
Reading Recovery – Christy Cornell and Nancy Fehr
Librarian – Ann West
Library Clerk – Carrie Kubetz
Community Outreach – Alice McGee
Detention Aide – Asfia Kasmi
Psychologists – Bob Koch and Candace Young-Schult
District Nurse – Michele Spading
Medications Nurse – Shirley Linicome
Social Worker – Kathy Murray
Speech/Language – Ruth Ann Kingery
LD Consultant – Debra Brooks and Marcia Wickes
Visually Impaired – Char Beckley
Inclusion Facilitators – Sue Jobst and Andy O’Neil
Inclusion Aides – Asfia Kazmi, Kelly Halder, and Lisa Strohl
ARA Food Service – Debra Dearmond, Lawandell Motley and Navarn Welch
Breakfast Supervisors – Lisa Strohl, Brenda Jones and Alice McGee
Lunch Supervisors – Brenda Jones, Mary Sherrill, Ulisses Toledo, Lena Choe, and Tina Bell
PTA President – Sherry Lovenguth
PTA Vice President – Barb Lyon
PTA Secretary – Janet Rosenberger
PTA Treasurer – Bruce Goettel
During the summer, the installation of our building’s telecommunications network was begun. In addition to being networked within the building, Wiley was one of two Urbana elementary schools to have a high speed connection to the Internet.

The final phase of a multi-year PTA project, to install new playground equipment on the primary and intermediate playgrounds, was installed prior to the beginning of school.

The Random Acts of Kindness Program continued at Wiley. Family “Funwork” homework helped families reinforce kindness at home. The News Gazette featured our program in a special Sunday feature article. Kindness was contagious that year with over 1000 acts of kindness being reported.

Hometown Heroes, a group of student athletes from the University of Illinois, presented an assembly for 3rd-5th graders. In addition to hearing about the fun and challenge of being on a sports team, students learned that academics and goal setting play major roles in the lives of these successful athletes.

Wiley Players Drama Club was initiated through our Urban Education Grant were staff members directed students in developing and performing productions for the school and parents.

Wiley classrooms presented a wonderful Cultural Expo where students researched life in a variety of cultures and countries. Most classrooms worked with a partner class to present information concerning their studies when students and parents “traveled” to each other’s classrooms.

Wiley Cub Scout Pack #8 helped the residents of the tornado disaster area with cleanup after the tornado hit our community on April 19.

The Urbana Board of Education established the Facilities Task Force Committee to help guide the strategy for the future investments in the district’s school buildings. The committee met throughout the year with each Urbana school staff and PTA to develop an understanding of the assets and short comings of each building. (District building improvements now in progress are a result of this committee.)


Our 1996-1997 staff members and PTA officers were:

Principal – Dr. Joan Fortschneider
Secretaries – Rosemary McDonald and Diane Mullen
Kindergarten – Patty Bergan, Kathy Endsley, Amanda Hiller, and Becky Orenic
First Grades – Bernardine Conner, Nancy Fehr, and Jill Quisenberry
Second Grades -Linda Busey, Barb Gillespie-Washington, and Marcy Vancil
Third Grades – Gail Becker and Patricia Nettles
Third/Fourth Grade – Debbie Heffernan
Fourth Grades – Richard Clift and Evelyn Walton
Fifth Grades – Marcia Richards and Rebecca Cortright
Fine Arts – Jean Korder and Catherine Sennyey (Dance and Drama); Maureen Burch and Jim Lyons (Music);
Martha Churukian and Harbert Jones (Visual Arts)
Instrumental Music – Ellen Elrick and Kristen Johns
Title 1 – Pete Barnes, Ellen Mennenga, and Michelle Shaw
Learning Disabilities – Jennifer Buskirk and Kathy Mehlman
Kindergarten Transition Coordinator – Kim Loos
Librarian – Ann West
Library Clerk – Carrie Kubetz
Outreach Worker – Alice McGee
Detention Aide – Dara Fennel
Psychologist – Rhonda Driscoll
District Nurse – Michele Spading
Medications Nurse – Shirley Linicome
Social Worker – Kathy Murray
Speech/Language – Ruth Ann Kingery
Hearing Impaired – Penny Porter
Visually Impaired – Char Beckley
Inclusion Facilitator – Chris Northrup
Inclusion Aides – Asfia Kazmi, Lisa Cannaday, and Barbara Mies
ARA Food Service – Debi Martin-Gould, Brenda Grady, and Navarn Welch
Breakfast Supervisors – Brenda Jones and Alice McGee
Lunch Supervisors – Brenda Jones, Eugenia McMeans, Kathleen Emilsson, Lesa Sadler, and Shalonda Wright
PTA President – Joyce Smith
PTA Vice President – Tanya Jackson
PTA Secretary – Ellen James
PTA Treasurer – Bruce Goettel
The PTA purchased and assembled soccer goals for our students.

An after school Rainbows Program was started at Wiley. The aim of Rainbows was to help children who had experienced a death, divorce or other similar painful change in their lives, understand their new family unit, gain stronger self-esteem and accept the changes in their lives in a positive way. Parent and teacher volunteers were trained to lead these groups sessions.

A grass roots “ZAP the Caps” campaign was initiated to inform the public of the negative effects tax caps would have on our schools, parks and community. However, the tax cap referendum did pass in Champaign County.

PTA sponsored a special program “How to Motivate Your Child and Help Your Child Succeed In School” with featured speaker Phyllis Wilken.

To help families assure 5th grade students were compliant with the newly required Hepatitis B immunization, School-Based “Shot” Clinics were started by a cooperative effort between all health providers in our community, Champaign and Urbana School Districts and all C-U PTAs.


Our 1997-1998 staff members and PTA officers were:

Principal – Dr. Joan
Office Manager – Rosemary McDonald
Secretary – Diane Mullen
Kindergarten – Patty Bergan, Kathy Endsley, Amanda Hiller, and Becky Orenic
First Grades – Monya Brown, Marcy Vancil and Jill Quisenberry
Second Grades -Linda Busey, Nancy Fehr and Michelle Shaw
Third Grades – Barb Gillespie-Washington, Gail Becker and Debbie Heffernan
Fourth Grades – Richard Clift and Patricia Nettles
Fourth/Fifth Grade – Evelyn Walton
Fifth Grades – Marcia Richards and Rebecca Cortright
Fine Arts – Maureen Burch, Jean Korder, and Deb Tuttle (Dance and Drama); Ann Johnson and Jim Lyons (Music);
Martha Churukian and Harbert Jones (Visual Arts)
Instrumental Music – Ellen Elrick and Kristen Johns
Title 1 – Pete Barnes, Ellen Mennenga, and Tanya Wahl
Reading Specialist – Ingrid Nelson
Kindergarten Transition Specialist – Dottie Davito
Librarian – Ann West
Library Clerk – Carrie Kubetz
Outreach Worker/Detention Supervisor – Alice McGee
B.E.S.T. Coordinator – Felisicia Jarrett
Psychologist – Rhonda Driscoll
District Nurse – Michele Spading
Medications Nurse – Shirley Linicome
Collaboration Sub – Vera Williams
Social Worker – Kim Fitton
Peer Mediation – Rebecca Corbly
Speech/Language – Ruth Ann Kingery
Learning Disabilities/Inclusion Facilitators – Debra Brooks and Marcia Wickes
Hearing Impaired – Penny Porter
Visually Impaired – Char Beckley
Inclusion Aides – Asfia Kazmi, Lisa Cannaday, and Barbara Mies
ARA Food Service – Brenda Grady and Navarn Welch
Breakfast Supervisors – Brenda Jones, Patricia Edwards and Alice McGee
Lunch Supervisors – Brenda Jones, Patricia Edwards, Linda Lawhead, and Isabela Magalhaes
PTA President – Joyce Smith
PTA Vice President – Becky Ford
PTA Secretaries – Bobbi Staske and Carisa Perkins
PTA Treasurer – Charles Kahn
Wiley T-shirts displayed a new design with a picture of the school on the front.

In the summer, prior to the first day of school, PTA volunteers and students painted the USA map on the primary playground.

Wiley teachers began working with the U of I students in the America Reads Program to improve reading achievement.

Our staff implemented new school procedures including “Hallways are Quietways” and “Give Me Five” which were effective in enhancing learning in our school.

PTA sponsored a variety of activities during American Education Week including guest readers from the community, a student/staff “Top 10 List of Favorite Children’s Books” and a schoolwide popcorn party to celebrate education.

Jean Burkholder, a member of the Urbana School Board for 22 years, retired from the board. Our district administrative offices were named after her.

To help with winter indoor lunch recess days, PTA purchased classroom games/toys and provided volunteers during lunch time.

Mrs. Gillespie-Washington received the 1998 Dr. Martin Luther King Educator Award, sponsored by Parkland College, in recognition of her many years of dedicated work in furthering the ideas of Dr. King. The selection committee especially noted her role as a peacemaker sponsor, her efforts toward helping students and adults appreciate the value of diversity and her work in the Champaign Correctional Center.

Our stage was enhanced by the construction of a deck/storage area and the purchase of new curtains.

President Clinton visited Champaign Urbana and Mrs. Gillespie-Washington and Mrs. Walton were able to take their classes to see the President.

Mr. Russell Overholt joined our staff in March as our hardworking building custodian. In the spring, he was rewarded with the honor of Wiley being “the cleanest in the district”.

Brochures were developed for each Urbana School as a means of publicizing to the community, the strengths of each school.


Our 1998-1999 staff members and PTA officers were:

Principal – Dr. Joan Fortschneider
Office Manager – Linda Peace
Secretary – Diane Mullen
Custodian – Russell Overholt
Kindergarten – Patty Bergan, Kathy Endsley, Amanda Rutledge, and Becky Orenic
First Grades – Ingrid Nelson/Michelle Shaw, Nancy Fehr, and Jill Quisenberry
Second Grades -Linda Busey and Marcy Vancil
Second/Third Grade – Barb Gillespie-Washington
Third Grades – Gail Becker and Debbie Heffernan
Fourth Grades – Richard Clift and Patricia Nettles
Fourth/Fifth Grade – Evelyn Walton
Fifth Grades – Marcia Richards and Rebecca Cortright
Fine Arts – Maureen Burch and Rachel Spencer (Dance and Drama); Maureen Burch, Margaret Meder and Jim Lyons (Music);
Martha Churukian and Harbert Jones (Visual Arts)
Instrumental Music – Ellen Elrick and Kristen Johns
Title 1 – Pete Barnes, Ellen Mennenga, and Tanya Wahl
Reading Specialists – Ingrid Nelson and Stephanie Morse
Kindergarten Transition Specialist – Dottie Davito
Librarian – Ann West
Library Clerk – Carrie Kubetz
Outreach Worker/Detention Supervisor – Alice McGee
B.E.S.T. Coordinator – Felisicia Jarrett
Psychologist – Rhonda Driscoll
District Nurse – Michele Spading
Medications Nurse – Shirley Linicome
Collaboration Sub – Vera Williams
Social Worker – Kathy Murray
Peer Mediation – Rebecca Corbly
Speech/Language – Ruth Ann Kingery
Learning Disabilities/Inclusion Facilitators – Debra Brooks and Marcia Wickes
Hearing Impaired – Penny Porter
Visually Impaired – Char Beckley
Inclusion Facilitator – Chris Northrup
Inclusion Aides – Asfia Kazmi, Malinda Jackson, and Barbara Mies
ARA Food Service – Carisa Perkins (OM), Brenda Grady, and Navarn Welch
Breakfast/Lunch Supervisors – Brenda Jones, Patricia Edwards, Judith Hiners, Linda Lawhead, Isabela Magalhaes, and Susan Ross
PTA President – Becky Ford
PTA Vice President – Bruce Goettel
PTA Secretary – Carisa Perkins
PTA Treasurer – Charles Kahn
Our staff introduced our mission statement of “High Expectations, Success, Respect and Teamwork” to kickoff the school year.

PTA purchased movies to “start up” an indoor lunch recess movie library as a resource for our lunch supervisors.

Urbana voters approved a referendum to provide improvements to all school buildings in our district, but particularly Leal and UMS.

Wiley Student Council organized a “soap and deodorant drive” for Make a Difference Day. We donated 286 items to the community.

Mike Shine, and Olympic medalist in our area, spoke to students about “Dreaming big and setting individual goals” during American Education Week. An all school display noted the goals of each student.

Ms. Vancil was awarded National Board Certification, one of a select group of educators nationally recognized with this distinction.

Mrs. Gillespie-Washington became a published author with her instructional resource book on Africa.

Wiley Elementary honored parent Janet Rosenberger for her long service and dedication to the children at Wiley. Mrs. Rosenberger was the catalyst for Wiley PTA’s growth. An assembly honored her numerous contributions to the students, teachers, staff and family of Wiley Elementary School.

Our school improvement teams including staff, parents, community members and our principal, made the decision to change to a Schoolwide Title 1 School beginning in the fall of 1999. Committees met to plan the transition and school improvements.


Our 1999-2000 staff members and PTA officers were:

Principal – Dr. Joan Fortschneider
Office Manager – Linda Peace
Secretary – Diane Mullen
Custodian – Russell Overholt
Kindergarten – Patty Bergan, Kathy Endsley, Amanda Rutledge, and Becky Orenic
First Grades – Ingrid Nelson/Michelle Shaw, Marcy Vancil, and Jill Quisenberry
First/Second Grade – Nancy Fehr
Second Grades -Linda Busey and Barb Gillespie-Washington
Third Grades – Gail Becker and Debbie Heffernan
Fourth Grades – Richard Clift and Patricia Nettles
Fourth/Fifth Grade – Evelyn Walton
Fifth Grades – Marcia Richards and Rebecca Cortright
Fine Arts – Maureen Burch and Betty Allen (Dance and Drama); Maureen Burch, Margaret Meder and Jim Lyons (Music);
Martha Churukian and Harbert Jones (Visual Arts)
Instrumental Music – Ellen Elrick and Kristen Johns
Title 1 – Pete Barnes, Ellen Mennenga, and Tanya Wahl
Reading Specialists – Ingrid Nelson and Stephanie Morse
Kindergarten Transition Specialist – Dottie Davito
Librarian – Ann West
Library Clerk – Carrie Kubetz
Outreach Worker/Detention Supervisor – Alice McGee
Psychologist – Rhonda Driscoll
District Nurse – Michele Spading
Medications Nurse – Shirley Linicome
Collaboration Sub – Vera Williams
Social Worker – Kathy Murray
Peer Mediation – Rebecca Corbly
Speech/Language – Ruth Ann Kingery
Learning Disabilities/Inclusion Facilitators – Debra Brooks and Marcia Wickes
Hearing Impaired – Penny Porter
Visually Impaired – Char Beckley
Inclusion Facilitator – Chris Northrup
Inclusion Aides – Asfia Kazmi, Malinda Jackson, and Barbara Mies
ARA Food Service – Carisa Perkins (OM), Brenda Grady, and Navarn Welch
Lunch Supervisors – Brenda Jones, Patricia Edwards, Judith Hinners, Linda Lawhead, Isabela Magalhaes, and Susan Ross
PTA President – Janet Rosenberger
PTA Vice President – Bernie Laumann
PTA Secretary – Kathy Sweedler
PTA Treasurer – Cheryl Gherna
As Dr. Fortschneider noted in her principal’s message, we were “off to a great start with plenty of school spirit as we begin another year with HIGH EXPECTATIONS for student SUCCESS through TEAMWORK in a school community that demonstrates RESPECT for all.”

We had a great beginning to the new school year! On 8/24/99 Wiley’s school improvement teams including staff and parents met for an afternoon institute at the Lake House at Crystal Lake Park. In addition to hearing an update from each working commitee (Reading, Writing, and Discipline), the institute included a presentation on discipline by Sousa, Peacock, Sousa Associates. The afternoon concluded with a discussion of the PTA’s proposed schoolwide reading incentive program, “Wiley Readers Ride in Style”. In followup, the faculty approved the program at it’s regular monthly meeting on 8/30/99.

PTA offered “School Supply Kits” as a service project for each grade level. Parents were able to purchase each childs supplies at cost.

An open house for Kindergarten parents was held on the evening of 8/25/00. The program was well attended and provided incoming parents with the opportunity to meet classroom teachers and to learn obout the Kindergarten instructional program at Wiley. The schoolwide OPEN HOUSE and ICE CREAM SOCIAL was held on Friday, Sept. 17th. That evening, staff, students and their families were able to see a Magic show, enjoy supper and ice cream, visit each child’s teacher and attend a short PTA meeting.

On the first day of school, all students, staff and parents present assembled in front of the school to join in singing the Wiley School song prior to coming into the building that morning. This event was enjoyed by all and even made the “news” (Gazette).

PTA’s theme for the year was “Celebrating the Magic of Children”and celebrating the 10th anniversary of the “reopening” of Wiley School. They sponsored a school party at Skateland on Thursday, Oct. 7, 1999. Classrooms collected Education Boxtops and Campbell Soup Labels. Students also helped PTA raise over $7000 in the product sale. Many students participated in the National PTA Reflections Program, “Anything is possible…”. The Wiley PTA Fun Fair “Millennium Invasion was enjoyed by all on Sat. Feb 26, 2000. PTA does so many things at Wiley to support our students and education! Our Tshirt design celebrated the millineum.

The District introduced a new spelling program in the elementary and middle schools, The Sitton Spelling Program. Wiley was the first to initiate this program in our school from the Writing Committee in 1998 with no excuse word lists, dictionaries, additional staff training and support.

Literacy Block Times, Literacy Folders and the DRA Assessment was introduced to staff for implemenation from the Reading Committee. A Rothstein inservice was provided by the Writing Committee and training for Sousa Peacock Sousa Discipline was provided by the Discipline Committee. We also continued the “Hallways are Quietways” and “Give Me Five” Discipline Initiatives.

Second Step Social Skills Curriculum fully implemented for kindergarten children.

A Kindergarten reception for new Wiuley families and students was held.

During the summer 37 Wiley students participated in the Urbana Free Library’s “Read For the Fun Of It” program.

Some of the older students at Wiley continued to help the younger students become better readers by participating in “Book Buddies”. The upper and lower aged classrooms partnered for a reading time each week.

On Oct. 18th, Kindergarten classes and their families attended a “Come Read To Me” Night. Parents were presented with a mini workshop on reading strategies from Debbie McDermott from our Adult Education Program. Children got to participate in reading and writing activities. Following these activities, parents met their children in the classroom where the Kindergarten teachers shared their reading program, students and parents had some fun reading time, and every child was able to select a book of their own form the Parkland RIF. The 100th Day of School was also celebrated by Kindergarten staff, students and families at a math night.

PTA helped Wiley celebrate American Education Week from November 14-20, 1999 with the theme “Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow”. Tracy Parsons, Urban League President, gave a motivational speech at a Kick off Assembly. Students read so many books as “Readers are Leaders” and made a paper chain to wrap around the gym. Students also created a display “If I were the Principal of Wiley School…” Wiley students were then able to dress up for “When I grow up, I want to be….Dressup Day”. PTA treated the students to a new bookmark and a popcorn party in celebration of all their good effort and work.

Gifted Parent Programs were offered including Understanding Your Gifted Child from the Inside Out by Patricia Gatto-Walden, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Magical Questions for Nurturing your Gifted Child’s Thinking by Betty Hartsog, Consultant on National parent Workshops.

Title 1 also sponsored Parenting for Success workshops titled “Learning At Home”, “Boundaries and Expectations”, and “Positive Values”. Being a schoolwide Title school, Title 1 also included “Recipes for Success Practical Activities to Help Your Child Succeed” in PTA Newsletters.

MANY Wiley students recieved certificates and “Kids Free Meal” Coupons for achieving PERFECT ATTENDANCE each quarter from Fazoli’s Italian Restaurant and our Community Outreach Program.

Our Wiley Family Center was developed by our Kindergarten Transition Coordinator, Dottie Davito and Cheryl Gherna, PTA Parent. It is meant to be a welcoming and comfortable place for all Wiley people and family members to visit. Some features include the Literature and Reading Rack, 5cent Book Shelf, Children’s Coat Closet, Lending Library, and Doodle Drawers. Treats and support was offered in the center during each parent-teacher conference days.

At the PTA Founder’s Day Dinner in February, our PTA honored 3 people with an Illinois PTA Life Membership in appreciation of their outstanding service to children. Cindy Strehlow, Jim Stehlow and Cheryl Gherna have given an extraordinary amount of time and energy in support of the children at Wiley School.

Twenty two students were honored as classroom winners for Young Authors for 2000. Seven of these were honored as our District winners. These students participated in Young Authors Day with other elementary schools. Matthew was chosen as our State Representative for Young Authors 2000.

The Orpheum Children’s Science Museum offered the community “Weekend Wizards”. Jill Quisenberry, a Wiley Teacher, serves on their board and taught many of the weekends. Some topics were Slimes and Goobers!, Orpheum Earth Day, Hydroponics, 9th Annual Kids Building Fair, and Women in Science Rock!

Parkland College offered “College For Kids” as a summer enrichment program for elementary and middle school students. Summer mini courses offered including science, art, computers, languages, and other special topics.